A. Preparatory actions
These actions are focused on the selection of environmentally relevant ENMs, the information and data quality requirements according to REACH and the geographical coverage and sampling locations and frequency. The scheduled actions are the following:
A1. Identification and characterization of environmentally relevant nano-pollutants.
A2. Definition of monitoring data information and quality requirements according to REACH.
A3. Information gathering and analysis of the existing environmental monitoring data.
A4. Definition of the functionalities and implementation plan of the LIFE NanoMONITOR monitoring.
B. Implementation actions
The implementation actions are focused on the development of the real-time information and monitoring system including the development of the web-based application and the design and implementation of the autonomous monitoring station prototype. More precisely the actions are:
B1. Development of a web-based library of exposure scenarios and measured data on the exposure and release of ENMs.
B2. Development of the web-based NanoMONITOR software.
B3. Design of the monitoring stations and measurement devices.
B4. Implementation and integration of the monitoring system in the existing remote sensing network.
B5. Guidance on the sampling methods and analytical techniques for the analysis and monitoring ENMs in the environment.
B6. Testing and validation of the NanoMONITOR information and monitoring system by target stakeholders.
B7. Training activities for end users and stakeholders.
C. Monitoring of the impact of project actions
These actions are focussed on the monitoring of the improvements and on how possible problems could be addressed.
C1. Definition of the starting situation regarding the use of environmental monitoring data under REACH.
C2. Strengthening of the knowledge on the concentration of nanomaterials in air, water and soil.
C3. Promotion of the use of exposure/environmental monitoring data in the protection of human health and the environment.
C4. Promotion of REACH fulfilment.
C5. Assessment of the socio-economic impact of the project actions.
D. Communication and dissemination of results
D.1. Communication and dissemination management.
D.2. Preparation and updating the project website.
D.3. Elaboration of informative material.
D.4. Dissemination of results.
E. Project management and monitoring of the project progress
E.1. Project management.
E.2. Project monitoring.
E.3. Financial Audit.
E.4. Networking with other projects.