NanoMONITOR Layman’s report is now available in English, Spanish and Greek
The Layman’s report provides an overview of the NanoMONITOR Project.
NanoMONITOR Guidance on the sampling methods and analytical techniques for the measurement and monitoring of engineered nanomaterials in the environment
NanoMONITOR Guidance – First version
This guidance provides support to select adequate sampling and monitoring procedures and techniques to characterise the concentration of ENMs in heterogeneous environments, including industrial settings, indoor and outdoor areas in urban locations and natural environments. The guidance also aims at making current data relative the potential sources and concentration of ENMs in indoor workplaces and urban areas accessible and interoperable.
The ultimate goal of this document is to provide guidance for indoor, outdoor and personal exposure monitoring of particles in the nanometer range, as well as data management to ensure that measured data are correct, representative and consistent.
Definition of the starting situation
DC1 Definition of the starting situation
Deliverable DC1 has as purpose the evaluation of the current use of measured data to evaluate the potential environmental, health and safety risk (EHS) posed by the use of ENMS, with special emphasis on the data concerning the measured concentrations of ENMs in both industrial settings and the environment.
Report on nano-specific release factors and environmental release categories
DB1b Report on nano-specific release factors and environmental release categories
The present deliverable is a continuation of the previous one aimed at creating a compendium of nanospecific environmental release categories (nanoERC) in the context of REACH to support the derivation of the predicted environmental concentration (PEC) of ENMs in relevant environmental compartments.
Report on the determinants of exposure and exposure scenarios over NMs Life Cycle
DB1a Report on the determinants of exposure and exposure scenarios over NMs Life Cycle
The purpose of this action is to provide a complete description of the specific determinants of exposure across the life cycle stages of the ENMs for the definition of nanospecific ERCs.
First implementation plan of the project
DA4b First implementation plan of the project
The present deliverable provides a detailed description of the activities to be conducted to guarantee the implementation of the outcomes of the project by stakeholders, in particular companies dealing with ENMs and public entities with responsibilities and interest in the use of measured data for risk assessment purposes.
Report on the functionalities and system requirements of the NanoMONITOR integrated system
DA4a Report on the functionalities and system requirements of the NanoMONITOR integrated system
The present document describes in detail the functionalities and requirements to be considered during the development of the monitoring station and the web based software platform based on the opinions of the target audience of the project and the experience of the members of the consortium.
Report on reliable information sources on the concentration of ENMs in industrial, urban and environmental compartments
DA3 Report on reliable information sources on the concentration of ENMs in industrial, urban and environmental compartments
aims to compile relevant exposure data information sources that should be taken in consideration for exposure information gathering in the context of REACH Regulation to assist risk assessors in order to meet the information requirements upon exposure assessment. It includes: 1) a description of the methodology used to identify relevant information sources and reliability of data, 2) a list of identified information sources with indications of which ones are relevant for this purpose.
Report on detailed procedures to determine the validity of measured data
DA2b Report on detailed procedures to determine the validity of measured data
This deliverable contains all the steps made to identify and describe the specific information needed to assess the representativeness of of the measured data as well as the main quality criteria to be considered for using the monitoring data for risk assessment within REACH.
Report on the information and quality criteria to use measured data under REACH and relevant monitoring programs
DA2a Report on the information and quality criteria to use measured data under REACH and relevant monitoring programs
This deliverable focuses on the definition of the minimum data and data quality needed for using existing monitored data for exposure estimation in the exposure assessment of the risk characterization process according REACH Regulation.
Report on priority high Concern ENMs
DA1 Report on priority high Concern ENMs
The aim of this action was to identity, select and describe a priority list of engineered nanoparticles to be considered under the scope of the project based on their production volumes, adverse effects on human health and the environment, and relevance in the context of the Regulation (EC) Nº 1907/2006 on registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of Chemicals.