ITENE (Packaging, Transport & Logistics Research Centre)
ITENE is the specialist Packaging, Transport and Logistics Research Center. Its mission is to generate scientific and technological knowledge and adding value to companies through the implementation of R&D+i.
It has advanced facilities and a multidisciplinary team of researchers and technicians with a proven experience and constant evolution, and collaborates with research centers and companies around the world, encouraging cooperation and technology transfer, with a vision oriented towards the needs of the environment in its areas of activity.
We have a wealth of experience in security and health at work, especially in prevention and control of risks in the use of new materials. We have a multidisciplinary team of experts in toxicology, job security and prevention. Our activities include projects on nanosafety at regional, national and European level, especially in the following fields:
- Characterization of occupational exposure to nanoparticles.
- Detection and characterization of nanomaterials by direct reading equipment and off-line analysis.
- Risk characterization and estimation of exposure using computational methods (modelling).
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), ventilation equipment and means of filtration, including determination of protection factors against nanomaterials.
- Evaluation of the toxicity and ecotoxicity of chemical agents within REACH, including nanoparticles.
- Implementation of REACH Consulting Nanosafety.
AXON Enviro-Group Ltd., established in 1997, is an independent consulting firm with extensive experience in the field of environmental research and studies.
The main services provided by AXON include:
- Strategy plans for air quality improvement.
- Environmental impact assessments.
- Environmental informatics.
- Environmental auditing, project planning, analysis, design and permitting.
- Indoor air pollution studies and planning of ventilation and conditioning systems.
- Air quality modelling
- Management of renewable power resources (PV systems, biogas production) and design of appropriate power systems.
- Design, management and implementation of national and international environmental projects and surveys.
- Liquid and solid waste management, treatment and disposal.
- Risk evaluation and safety management from industrial activities.
- Noise abatement and control studies.
- Ecosystems and wetlands management.
A significant number of state of the art software packages for data treatment and presentation and most of the EPA and EU approved and proposed advanced mathematical models for simulation purposes are included in AXON’s equipment.
The Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) is a centre of research, development and technological innovation to improve the natural environment in the Mediterranean. CEAM´s activity centres on offering comprehensive proposals for environmental management in the domain of the atmosphere, ecosystems, human activities and their interactions. It has a multidisciplinary team of researchers and technicians in the areas of meteorology and climate, atmospheric chemistry and atmospheric pollutants dynamics, numerical simulation, high-precision analytical instruments for laboratory and field use, the carbon cycle, ecosystems dynamics, fire ecology and forest restoration. During more than 20 years of research, this team has applied its knowledge and experiences to forecast extreme meteorological events (heat waves, torrential rain), to mitigate and adapt to climate change, to prevent forest fires and to recover burnt or desertified mountains, and to analyse and assess atmospheric pollution in urban, rural and industrial environments, and its impacts. The activities range from basic research, into finding solutions for priority environmental problems, to the development of new technologies and applications, most of them in collaboration with leading international environmental research centres or directly carried by CEAM.
Three research programmes can be found within the structure of the CEAM centre:
- Meteorology and atmospheric pollution
- Air pollutant effects and the carbon cycle
- Forest research
R&D activity also leads to scientific counselling tasks in the themes that CEAM’s competences cover, and it specifically contributes to environmental management policymaking at various levels, from the local level to that of the European Union.
Yordas Group – formerly The REACH Centre
Yordas Group is a leading provider of scientific, environmental, human health, and global regulatory consulting services.
Originally founded as ‘The REACH Centre’ in 2007, the Company was set up to meet the needs of industry to comply with the EU REACH Regulation. From its inception, substantial re-investment allowed the business to rapidly expand and develop capacity in a wealth of new scientific and regulatory disciplines. Chemtrac, our globally renowned on-line product stewardship management system was introduced in 2011. To reflect the more diverse nature of our business and research activities, in 2017, the Company was re-branded to ‘Yordas Group’.
Today, delivering innovative solutions for business, industry and government, Yordas continues to create value and sustainability for our clients. The key sectors we serve include Consumer Goods, Manufacturing, Chemical, Agrochemical, Oil & Gas, and Mining. Crosscutting themes such as Product Stewardship, Chemical Notification Systems, Environmental Permitting, Globally Harmonised System, and Waste Management are within the broad portfolio of services we provide to our customers.
Yordas Group employs a team of experts in chemistry, (eco)toxicology, environmental and occupational exposure. Highlighting the depth of our knowledge, we undertake research in a number of specialised fields such as nanomaterials risk assessment, biocides and pesticides, green chemistry, and systematic review methodologies for hazard assessment.
We have international capability with supporting offices and representation in North America, Asia and Europe, and commercial activities across 40 countries.